All about ultra low calorie diets

I’ve had too many clients coming to me with digestive and hormonal issues after doing a ultra low calorie diet.  These diets are nothing new, but they seem to be gaining popularity again. 

Let’s talk about an ultra low calorie diet. 

I define these as under 1200 calories, but others may say under 1000 calories - everyday, for weeks on end.  This is not the intermittent energy restriction, intermittent fasting, or any cyclical diets.  This is day in and day out very low calories.

What are clients experiencing after eating so few calories and rapidly losing weight? 

I’m having clients that are losing hair, always cold, their nails are thinner than they’ve ever been, they aren’t recovering well from workouts. Clients are also finding that they’re bloated, gassy, and having digestive issues. They feel like there aren’t any “safe” foods. They’re fatigued and embarrassed. They were trying to lose weight to get healthier, not to feel so crummy. 

So, you may be wondering, how do I transition clients from an ultra low calorie diet to fueling their body well? 

I start with the foundations - we focus on a properly prepared, nutrient dense diet, but we focus on small portions, lower volume, and chewing well. We slowly transition back to having 2-3 meals and a snack, as digestive symptoms start to subside, we focus on adding in more foods. We also focus on hydration, mineral balance, and really targeted supplementation. Depending on how long the client has been on the diet, using a Hair and Mineral Test could be insightful.  

Once the client has reverse dieted up to a higher calorie level and fueling their body, we reassess symptoms and see how they’re feeling. Just by eating enough balanced calories, clients see their symptoms improve. Others need a bit more targeted support and we really hone in on hormone health and supporting the endocrine system.

With nutrition, our bodies can bounce back from so much - especially ultra low calorie diets. If you are struggling with the symptoms after doing an ultra low calorie diet or long term chronic dieting, book a consult with me.

I can help you feel better and get you on the road to wellness.


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